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VPS KVM NL - VPS KVM NL #1 (1CPU, 256mb, 16GB, 1-IP)
Choose Billing Cycle
$14.95 USD/mo
$13.71 USD/mo
Save 8%
$14.95 USD
$13.70 USD/mo
Save 8%
$14.95 USD
Control Panel
cPanel Full License /mo (up to 5 accounts) $22.00 USD
cPanel Full License /mo (up to 30 accounts) $35.00 USD
cPanel Full License /mo (up to 100 accounts) $50.00 USD
cPanel cloud license Monthly (up to 125 accounts only) $55.00 USD
cPanel Full License /mo (5 accounts) + Softaculous install scripts/mo $25.00 USD
Managed Services
Managed Services (CPanel Administration) $20.00 USD
Managed Services + Mass email option 10k $100.00 USD
Bitninja license $36.00 USD
Operating System
Centos 5.8 x86_64 minimal (64 bits)
Centos 6.3 x86_64 minimal (64 bits)
Debian 6.0.6 x86 minimal (32 bits)
Debian 6.0.6 x86_64 minimal (64 bits)
Fedora 17 x86 minimal (32 bits)
Fedora 17 x86_64 minimal (64 bits)
Scientific Linux 5.8 x86_64 Base (64 bits)
Scientific Linux 6.3 x86_64 minimal (64 bits)
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x86 minimal (32 bits)
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x86_64 minimal (64 bits)
Windows 2008 x64 R2 $20.00 USD
Extra IP Address
No extra IP
1 Extra IP $3.00 USD
2 Extra IP's $6.00 USD
3 Extra IP $9.00 USD
4 Extra IP's $12.00 USD
5 Extra IP's $15.00 USD
Configure Server
Root Password
New Password Rating: 0%
at least 5 characters
Generate Password
NS1 Prefix
NS2 Prefix
Additional Information
(required fields are marked with *)
Describe the activity you will be doing with us.
Example: online store, forums, vpn
Order Summary
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Generate Password
Please enter a number between 8 and 64 for the password length
Password Length
Generated Password
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